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Tourists and Guided Tours

Teatro Comunale Pavarotti-Freni

Experiencing Italian opera in Italy

The Luciano Pavarotti Opera House has recently started working in collaboration with a number of international tour operators to assist visitors from abroad in experiencing Italian opera in Italy. Over the last few years a larger number of tourists from other countries have attended performances at the Opera House. The package tours and all information provided by qualified European and non-European tour operators are available for anyone interested in Italian Opera and music, as well as in visiting Modena and the neighboring cities.

Modena is known for its historical heritage, architectural treasures, museums and local traditions. Located in the heart of Emilia Romagna, the Italian food valley, where unique D.O.P. (Protected designation of origin) products such as its celebrated balsamic vinegar and tortellini are produced and shipped all over the world. Modena’s traditional cuisine can be enjoyed in its numerous trattoria and restaurants, some of which are ranked among the best in the country.

More information:
Promotion office
Tel. +39 059 2033003

Package tours and guided city tours

Travel tour packages may include: Opera tickets, hotel, lunch or dinner in a traditional restaurant, a guided city tour, or other services available upon request.

For more information:
Tel. +39 059-220022

Tourists from all over to see Mike Patton